Let’s be real: Resolutions just aren’t realistic. Big transformations don’t happen in a month. They happen bit by bit, over time, through lots of small actions and habits that you build. A better way to approach a new year is simply by doing little things each day that make you feel good. Each little thing serves as a step in the right direction, towards those bigger dreams you have.
Today, I am sharing ways to do just that this January. My goal is to do a little something every day that refreshes me. (You may have seen my January Refresh series on Instagram!) Here are some doable ways that we can revive our minds and bodies after all those lazy afternoons over the holidays and feel good about ourselves, while keeping in mind the goals we are working towards:
Small step: Organize & clean
We all have cleaning to do after the holidays, right? It can be overwhelming, I know. Just organize one drawer. The next day, organize another. Then take on your closet. Then your kitchen. Keep doing one area each day until it’s done.
Goal: Declutter your home & invest in sustainable practices
Most people are on a decluttering craze after seeing or reading Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up. Although I haven’t done either (but plan to!), I have been donating things from my home like crazy, because I am just plain tired of having so much stuff. I really want to live more minimally this year. I want to invest in ethical clothing (and have fewer clothes), say goodbye to plastic, and buy from sustainable brands. I am over fast fashion, unnecessary containers, and compulsive purchasing. I am ready for every inch of my home to stay clutter-free and environmentally friendly, year-round.
Small step: Say goodbye to one unhealthy food
If you want to eat healthier, start by cutting out one unhealthy food this month. Just one. You can stop eating chips but still eat ice cream. You don’t need to do it all at once. But eliminating one unhealthy food will get you started on the right path.
Goal: Eat healthy foods
Eventually, maybe you decide to and are able to cut out all junk food. Maybe you want to adopt a vegan diet. Whatever it is, we all know that going cold turkey just doesn’t work.
Small step: Get a fresh chop
What better way to start a new year than with a haircut? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You might just be getting a trim. But still, there’s something about getting your done that can make you feel like a new woman.
Goal: Feel confident
Sometimes regularly pampering yourself is the answer. Just sayin’.
Small step: Immerse yourself in a little culture
Go to a local museum. Learn something new. I love visiting the Frist Art Museum here in Nashville. It’s just the perfect new year activity.
Goal: Drop knowledge
The more you expose yourself to, the more you know. Take a break from hiding out at home this winter and get out for new exhibits and experiences, as much as possible. Then impress your friends with how much you know during your next night out at trivia.
Small step: Read a book that encourages self-growth
Read any book, really, but for the new year, try one that encourages you to grow. I’m a little over halfway through Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis (I have an advance copy – official release is March 12, but you can preorder now!), and so far, Rachel has challenged me to go after my goals by letting go of excuses that hold me back and and adopting behaviors that will allow me to succeed. Her writing reads like a best friend cheering you on. She calls you to stop talking yourself our of your dreams and just do the dang thing! Whatever you decide to read, ensure it inspires you!
Goal: Grow your mind
Read all that you can, my friends, and you will learn more and grow more than you ever thought you could.
Small step: Write something happy that happened
At the end of the day, think of something happy that happened or something for which you feel grateful. You might start a gratitude journal, or, you might just jot something down on a sticky note or in your phone. Choose what is most doable to you, but do it. Record this one thing, and you will train your brain to start focusing on the good.
Goal: Live with gratitude
Over time, you can learn to be grateful and focus on the positive instead of the bad. You can grow out of any Negative Nancy tendencies. You can recognize and appreciate the blessings in your life.
Small step: Take part in a wellness challenge
I am doing the New York Times 30-Day Well Challenge. All you have to do is sign up, and they’ll send you a daily email (it actually started Monday, but it’s not too late to join!) with a small task to complete, related to exercise, mindfulness, relationships, or eating. After you finish, you tap the online sticker, “I did it!” and can see your progress online. Studies show that self-tracking helps us achieve our goals.
Goal: Be mindful and be well
If you take steps each day to improve your overall well-being – and especially if you track your behavior – you can live a healthy, mindful life. This doesn’t have to mean intense daily exercise, but it does mean that you move your body every day and make an effort to take care of your physical and mental self.
How’s the new year going for you? What goals do you want to accomplish this year? Are you taking small steps as well? Let me know how you’re doing in the comments!
Love, Bee
I love all of this. But this: “I am just plain tired of having so much stuff. I really want to live more minimally this year. I want to invest in ethical clothing (and have fewer clothes), say goodbye to plastic, and buy from sustainable brands. I am over fast fashion, unnecessary containers, and compulsive purchasing. I am ready for every inch of my home to stay clutter-free and environmentally friendly, year-round.” This is literally me right now. I’m ALL about this.