I am to be moving this weekend from my one-bedroom apartment to a new two-bedroom condo with H. Moving can be rather stressful and emotional (see my post on coping with house nostalgia), and I have found that taking a methodical, step-by-step approach works best. Here’s what I’ve done that may help you as well:
Step 1: Declutter your home.
Use whichever approach works best for you, but I find KonMari to be a wonderful method. Decluttering and donating should absolutely be your first step. You don’t want to waste time moving a bunch of things that you don’t need. Doing so really helped me prioritize my belongings.
Step 2: Create an inventory.
This step was recommended by my gal Haley (who takes many of my photos!), and it’s brilliant. Open an Excel spreadsheet, and list every item you own, organized by room. I have a color code for mine. If I highlight the item in yellow, it’s something I don’t use often and need to pack ASAP. If I highlight it in blue, it’s packed and in a box. Black means it’s gone and in the new place.
Step 3: Pack, using your inventory as a guide.
By listing everything in one place, I know I won’t forget anything. I have been packing my boxes per room and moving them slowly over to the new place each day, highlighting them as I go. If you do not have access to your new place until moving day, Haley says to use a number system. Label each box with a number, and the items inside with the same number on your spreadsheet. That way, when you get to your new home, you’ll know exactly what’s inside each box.
Step 4: Hire a mover.
Don’t exhaust yourself trying to do everything at once. Hire a mover – at least for the big things like your couch and bed. I have been moving what I can on my own but am leaving heavy pieces for the professionals.
Step 5: Unpack one box at a time.
Take it one box at a time. Consult your inventory to decide which box to open first. Open it, find a place for the things inside, and put them away. Repeat the steps for every box. Do not open all the boxes at once or go to another box before finishing the one in front of you! As I’ve been taking boxes over, I’ve been unpacking each one-by-one and immediately. This way, I don’t leave boxes sitting for long, and I don’t get overwhelmed.
I hope this helps you as it has me! Happy moving!