I walk in the park daily. Nashville has so many lovely parks, and for me, it’s an essential part of my day. I have fond memories of walking with my parents and our dogs when I was a young, and it’s a routine that we’ve continued into my adulthood.

Walking is not just wonderful physical exercise, but it makes my mind feel calm and refreshed as well. I find that the best walks are the ones when I am fully present in the experience, listening to each sound, looking at the trees, flowers, and wildlife around me, and paying attention to how I feel as I go.

This past week, we had a few foggy mornings, which made the park seem even quieter than normal and dream-like. I felt gratitude for the green vegetation, the hiding deer, the passing butterflies, and the intricate spider webs so prominent at this time of year.

Even when life gets stressful, walks remind me that there is beauty in the world, all the time. We just have to see it.
This park is beautiful! My area has a lot of great parks to walk in, but nothing like this (plus it’s so dang HOT in Florida right now). Loving this post and always enjoy your snaps of walking 💛