Last spring, one of the home projects that brought me the most joy was tidying and finding plants for our patio and decorating the space. Once Green Door Gourmet‘s plant sale rolled around again last weekend – this is where we got our flowers last year, and they did incredibly well – I knew H and I had to go.

I saw one of the plants we had last year – the Hippo White Polka Dot Plant, and snagged it – but otherwise, most were different. Unsure of what exactly might do well on our back patio, I decided to take a chance and grab things that I knew I liked or looked pretty, hoping for the best. I got a few perennials, including a hosta, which I placed in a shady spot, and Lenten rose, a flower I have always admired.

The rest from Green Door were annuals – the polka dot plant, geranium, and vinca vine. Unfortunately, due to supply chain issues, the farm told us they would not have any soil for another few weeks, so H and I stopped by Home Depot for the soil and mulch. While there, I could not resist getting candytuft, a perennial flower I had recently spotted at Cheekwood and loved!

On this past rainy Tuesday, I put on my rain boots and got to work on potting the plants while H spread the fresh mulch in the perimeter of our patio. Putting on my garden gloves again and getting my hands in the dirt felt so relaxing and refreshing to me. I find gardening to be such a calming and rewarding pursuit!
Will you do any gardening this spring?
P.S. Last year’s spring plants and a happy collection of things for April.