With May’s arrival comes daily warmth, at last, the final freezes of April gone. We emerge from our interiors in pursuit of the sun and see the reemergence of a live, lush earth. The trees grow green again, and the flowers bloom and reach. Soft pink and white peonies and vines of honeysuckle give the delicate scent of late spring. The rains are mostly gone in favor of sunny skies, and the days stretch longer, later. The dawn of summer hangs like a piece of near-ripe fruit.
The month of May is a busy one; for me, as a teacher, it’s the last month of school. We wrap up our lessons and feel the satisfaction of another year complete, enjoying Field Day and picnics and popsicles. We all know each other quite well at this point, and soaking up these final weeks is light and fun. The last day of school arrives loudly, a parade of joy, and then a breath of relief.
Soon, the roar of cicadas will be the backdrop of each afternoon, and the chirp of crickets will see us to sleep. There will be linens and the beach, tall glasses of dewy iced tea, stacks of books to read. Fresh, juicy peaches, tomatoes, watermelon, and berries will be the succulent flavors of the season. The newness of summer will bring that lovely, lighthearted, blithe way of being. This is May’s sweet promise.
P.S. Spring things to love and ways to celebrate Mother’s Day.