Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. My winter break this year is a bit later, and I have until the 6th before going back to work. I am finding it pleasant to have a slow start to January. On New Year’s Day, I spent the morning reflecting on the previous year and specifically time spent over this break so far, and I realized that each day has contained something special – whether a fun time gathered with loved ones, a sunny walk in the park, or a delicious sweet treat. It made me feel so grateful for this time and appreciative of the simple, beautiful moments.
I have now begun to look ahead and consider how I would like to live in 2025. During the holiday season, I continued to have “Joy to the World” play in my head. It happened after watching The Family Stone, and the scene that stuck with me occurs toward the end when Sarah Jessica Parker and Luke Wilson are cuddled together, looking at the ceiling, and she begins humming the song and sings quietly, “Repeat the sounding joy / repeat the sounding joy / repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.” I love this moment. With the word joy in my mind so much, I realized that joy must be my word for 2025. I would like to find, feel, and spread joy this year. I believe joy can often be found in small but special daily occurrences – if we can only notice them.
And so, I am wishing you a year full of joy!
P.S. See my words and thoughts for 2024.