The past weeks have been challenging as I went back to school in person (with a few remote students) to teach third grade. The past months have been difficult for many of us as we are all facing different things and dealing with them in our own ways. I have come to realize that it’s…
Crafting the Perfect Weekend Morning
For the perfect weekend morning, you’ll need: To wake up naturally One of the best things about the weekend is not setting an alarm. It’s a wonderful feeling to wake up to natural light shining through the windows. Something special for breakfast Indulge in something that you don’t eat for breakfast on weekdays. I love…
Why I Love Walking in the Park
I walk in the park daily. Nashville has so many lovely parks, and for me, it’s an essential part of my day. I have fond memories of walking with my parents and our dogs when I was a young, and it’s a routine that we’ve continued into my adulthood. Walking is not just wonderful physical…
How Making a New Recipe Was the Best Self-Care
I was flipping through my August issue of Real Simple when a recipe for Feta and Watermelon Grain Bowls piqued my interest. It included ingredients I love and looked like something I’d enjoy. I left a dog-ear on the page, finished reading, and placed it on the coffee table. Typically, I see recipes that look…
Our Isolated Summer Vacation
H and I recently got back from a 10-day vacation at his family’s home in DeBordieu, South Carolina. After much debate about whether to travel this summer, we agreed that for our mental health, we needed to relax at the beach. (I, in particular, felt this as I’m a teacher about to embark on a…
Why I Journal Every Night
I am a routine-oriented person, and every night, when I slip into bed, I journal (and then I read). I first write the date and, in recent times, how many days we’ve been in the “new normal” of the pandemic (it’s day 120). Then, I write what I did that day and any feelings I’m…