The first crisp mornings I always notice the season changing when we have that first cool morning. For us in Nashville, this occurred these past two days. Both mornings, I woke up and let Cleo outside, pleasantly shivering at the bite in the air. The crispness of fall air always refreshes and invigorates me. Apples…
Search Results for: fall
A Conversation with Ella Junior: Growing Up Black in the South and Practicing Self-Care Along the Way
Today, I am delighted to share with you the gem of a human that is Ella Junior. I have known Ella since 2016 when we both started working at a diverse school in East Nashville as kindergarten teachers. Ella is such a sweet person with a kind, loyal, and giving heart. She is also a…
How I Keep My Drawers Organized
I love cleaning and organizing! The process gives me a feeling of peace and accomplishment. Life just feels better when things are tidy. What can be hard is when we organize and then everything gets cluttered again. To avoid falling into this trap, I have a certain way that I arrange all things in drawers…
My Simple Dermatologist-Recommended Skincare Routine
I have changed my skincare routine numerous times over the years, but finally after going to a new dermatology center last fall about my eczema, I was recommended a new routine. My skin has been smooth and happy ever since! Everyone’s skin is different, so before I share the products I use, let me tell…
What It’s Been Like to Teach Online
This year, I taught fifth grade English. I loved the magic of reading wonderful books with my students and watching stories come to life in the classroom. We laughed, cried, and celebrated together as we read. We wrote our own stories and essays and shared them like real writers do. And then the pandemic happened….
Little Things Making Me Happy Right Now
It’s a weird time – huge understatement, I know. It’s been difficult for me to find the right words, not that there are any. I go between feelings of calm – enjoying time at home with H and Cleo, reading, walking in the park – and feelings of anxiety when I hear of loved ones…