Autumn through the holiday season is my favorite time of year; I love the decorations, coziness, and traditions. Over the past week, I have slowly been going upstairs to store away the autumnal and bring down Christmas. It can feel a little overwhelming to do everything at once, and I have enjoyed my more leisurely…
Search Results for: fall
Embracing the Cozy with the Time Change
This weekend, the clock falls back an hour. Although it will be dark an hour earlier, it will be light an hour earlier, too, which makes getting up for work much easier. And in the darker evenings, I like to embrace the cozy. I enjoy leaning into all things comforting in our home. Here are…
October Loveliness: Cheekwood Harvest, Halloween Cookies, & Poem
On the 22nd, H and I celebrated our two-year wedding anniversary by going back to Cheekwood where we were married (plus by voting and having a delicious dinner at answer. complete with pumpkin tiramisu). Cheekwood Harvest is one of favorite annual events, and it actually ends today. I snapped some photos with my camera and…
September Transition: Thoughts, Photos, & Poem
It’s September 1st. Yesterday, I awoke to a bright, beautiful morning and welcome long weekend after the always busy, exhausting first few weeks of the school year. I snapped these photos of our home that, washed in sunlight, seemed a little like magic. I felt a sense of relief and accomplishment, and a need to…
Our New Patio Set, Flowers, & an August Book Rec
It’s August, the month I begin by feeling sad for summer vacation’s end, but midway through when the days start to get a little cooler and less humid, the early excitement for autumn seizes me. This occurred over the weekend as I woke up to dry, cool, sunny days. August can be such a lovely…
Book Thoughts: My 10 Summer Vacation Reads of 2024
Summer reading is my absolute favorite. With leisurely days spent outdoors or on the beach, I read more than any other time of year, and it’s just the best. I love escaping into the world of a dreamy novel, especially in the warm summer sunshine. Here are 10 books I’ve read over my summer vacation…