I love to travel domestically in the fall. The weather is perfect in so many parts of the country, and air travel is often cheaper and easier. I was lucky to find a cheap ticket to D.C. on Southwest last weekend and enjoyed a girl’s trip with lovely sunshine to keep us warm as we…
Search Results for: fall
The Beauty of Impermanence
The current state of my balcony Each season, we seek and purchase the impermanent: tulips in spring, hydrangeas in summer, mums in fall, pansies in winter. We relish blooming trees, falling leaves, pumpkins on porches, holly draping windows. We know these things will vanish, that we will have to toss them aside. But we want them…
5 Ways to Hang with Friends on Week Nights
As a full-time teacher, I am exhausted by the end of the school day. Often, I just want to curl up in my pajamas right away and enter a TV coma until I fall asleep. But usually, I feel better if I do something first. I walk every day after school if the weather is nice,…
Meditative Monday
It’s Monday, and the start of another week is here. For me, this Monday marks the end of a week-long fall break in which I launched this blog (hooray!) and focused on what I love to do (outside of my full-time teaching job) and what makes me tick. For me, writing makes me tick. The…